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Webinar Recap: Making Processes User-Friendly

This Clear Language Lab webinar took place on October 20, 2022 as part of the Plain Language Foundations series. Check out the notes below, or access the webinar recording and slides.

Connecting to Plain Language

  • Using plain language means centering your audience’s needs and goals, and writing in a way that they can find, understand, and use the information you're sharing.

    • Processes designed from a plain language perspective carefully consider:

    • Audience - who is going through this process & why

    • Format - what information needs to be shared & what’s the best method 

    • Circumstance - what conditions surround this process

    • Purpose - what is the end goal of this process

Big Takeaways

Strategies for designing user-friendly processes 

  • Use case studies to explore processes from your audiences’ perspectives

  • Apply trauma-informed practices, such as providing: clear instructions, details about how long things will take, information about how to access support, and the reasons why you're asking for information/actions.  

  • Make sure you use the appropriate formats for information sharing (e.g. QR codes are useful in-person but less so via email) 

  • Always test your process by walking through the steps. Make mistakes on purpose to see what happens.

  • Have systems in place to train staff & keep information up-to-date

Use feedback to make improvements

  • Strategically collect feedback from your audience

  • Document pain points and reflect on challenges so you can identify trends and make adjustments

  • If you’re in a leadership role: make space for staff to share challenges & offer changes

  • If you’re not in a leadership role: document your challenges & use plain language to create supports for your audience


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