Sometimes text just doesn’t cut it. Have you ever used drawing, images or comics to get your ideas across?
Benefits of comics in getting a message across
More and more research has been showing the benefits of using comics to share information, particularly health issues. Some of the potential benefits include:
Communicating with empathy
Memorable messaging
Use of narratives that can illustrate complex issues
Tools to try
First of all, you don’t have to be the world’s best artist to use comics to share a message this way. If you prefer digital formats and you have a Canva account, they offer a wide variety of comic templates, like the one below:
Make Beliefs Comix also offers fun pre-made comic templates to explore.
Resources to check out
More resources on using comics in creative ways:
Learn more about Tampere University in Finland’s research about using comics to communicate about important ideas
Check out the work of South Africa’s Creative Contracts, including their example contracts for citrus and berry workers
Watch this webinar from the Network of the National Library of Medicine with Meredith Li-Vollmer of Seattle and King County Public Health explaining the variety of ways to use comics to talk about health issues
Explore, which contains a wide away of resources for those interested in comics with a message
As always, it's critical to focus on the needs of your audience. Comics may be a new format for some folks, or they may associate them as more suited for kids. But you won’t know until you give it a try!
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